You will be surprised that the first matriculation class exam was held in Indian subcontinent in 1858 and the British government decided that the people of subcontinent are half of our intelligence so we have “passing marks” of 65 so for subcontinental people. 32 should be 5 decimal places. Two years later, in 1860, the passing marks were increased to 33 for the convenience of teachers, and in 2023, we are busy searching the intelligence of our children with the same 33 marks.
Ashfaq Ahmed once had to go to the court in Italy and he also introduced himself that I am a teacher. He writes that all the people in the court including the judge stood up from their seats. In honor of Believe me, teachers are respected by the nation that respects education and loves its future generations. Social Studies is not “taught” in Japan because it is something to be taught and they are teaching their generations very well how to socialize. In Japanese schools, children and teachers organize themselves for cleaning, from the time they come to school at 8 in the morning until 10 o’clock, the whole school is engaged in cleaning, including children and teachers.
On the other hand, if you look at our education system which consists only of copying and printing, our children have become “publishers”. You see the spectacle of what is written in the book, the teacher copying the same on the board, the children reprinting the same on the copy, the teacher giving the same copied and printed material in the exam, marking the important questions themselves. And they prepare the paper by themselves and check it by themselves and give the marks by themselves, they also issue the decision whether the child passes or fails by themselves and the parents clap their hands on this result and show the children as intelligent and capable. They sing of failure, whose children fail to lament the outcome and taunt their child with a “leprous brain” and a “dull mind”. Can you honestly tell me what the child learned in all this work, except copying and printing? For 13, 14 years, we make the children stand in a line and do the assembly, and as soon as they leave school, they break the line and do their work. He knows how to do it. We teach our children “Social Studies” from 1st to 10th and what is happening in the society is enough to tell and explain how much we have learned to be “social”. Science is “crammed” all the time in school and you won’t see any “scientist” in the whole country because unfortunately science is a matter of “learning” and self-experimentation and we also “crammed” that. are
