The children were found dead in their beds in the morning.
After investigating the possible cause of their death, when questioned about their food and drink, the children’s mother said that the children did not eat anything outside, but were given a glass of milk as usual at bedtime.
When the container of milk kept in the refrigerator was inspected, it was found that a 3/4 inch baby snake was lying dead at the bottom of the container.
How did it reach the fridge and fall into the jug of milk?

?The family remembered that they had brought spinach from the vegetable market and kept the bundle of spinach in the fridge without opening it.
It is possible that the baby snake fell into the milk jug after coming out of the bundle.
Of course, the cause of death of the children became clear, but the family lost two of their children.
So we should take special care of leafy vegetables and things covered in the fridge while keeping anything in the fridge.
Always keep your fridge clean, do not leave any food open in the kitchen.
Take a lesson from this accident and don’t limit yourself to just reading, but take it forward and do your bit in the service of humanity.
Today’s question
How to store leafy greens in the fridge?