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After Death

 At first the dead person does not realize that he is dead.  He feels himself dreaming of death, he sees himself crying, bathing, knotting and descending to the grave.  He always has the impression of dreaming

When he falls to the ground.  Then he shouts but no one hears his shout, when everyone is dispersed and left alone inside the earth, Allah restores his soul.  He opens his eyes and wakes up from his “bad dream”.  At first he is happy and thankful that, what he was going through was just a nightmare, and now he is awake from his sleep.  Then he starts touching his body, which is wrapped in a cloth, wondering to himself “Where is my shirt?”
“Where am I, where is this place, why is it dark everywhere, what am I doing here?”  Then he begins to realize that he is underground, and that what he is experiencing is not a dream, he realizes that he is really dead.
  He screams as loud as he can, calling out to his relatives who could have saved him accordinglyNo one answers.  He then recalls that Allah is the only hope at this time.  He cries for her and begs her for forgiveness.
  “Ya Allah! Ya Allah! Forgive me Ya Allah… !!!
  He screams with an incredible fear that he has never felt before in his life.
  If he is a good person, two angels with smiling faces will sit to comfort him, then serve him well,
If he is a bad person, two angels will increase his fear and torment him according to his evil deeds.
O Allah, forgive me and my mother, father, wife, children and my family and friends and relatives for all the small and big sins.
And let us die on faith


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