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Sighn of a good laptop

 RAM: Minimum 8 GB or maximum 16 GB

If the RAM is 8GB then it should be in one slot and if one slot is empty then 8GB can be purchased separately ie the RAM can be increased later.
Hard disk i.e. memory should be ssd while hdd is three times slower and also consumes more battery so only ssd is better for the job.
The higher the generation the more modern i.e. 5th better than 4th generation and 6th better than 5th
The most modern so far is the 11th generation
3 types of processor:
core i3, i5 & i7.
i7 is the best
If you
To do graphical work
A minimum 2gb graphic card is also required
The battery should be of 🔋 lithium cells
Also check the mAh of the laptop battery
If you buy a used laptop, then check how much mAh battery is left
Second hand
Most of the deception when buying a laptop is in the display

That is, a local one is inserted after extracting the original display, how to check it
If you are looking to buy a used laptop then this information is for you
Vendors selling old laptops put wallpaper that makes people happy just by looking at the display and the wallpaper is also such that the damage is not visible on the pixels.
Here’s how to check the display
After that, fill the brightness of the laptop
You have to open the notepad and spread it over the entire screen, it will turn the entire screen white
Thus, if there is any pixel damage in the screen or there is pressure on the screen from some place, black marks will be visible from there.
Second, search the laptop you want to buy on the internet and check its specification to see which display the desired laptop has, LCD or LED.
If it is LCD, the display is not visible when looking at the screen from the side, this is a sign of LCD
And led is much better display
Another important question is the buttons
Are there any buttons damaged?
Search on Google for the laptop you want to buy
Keyboard tester

This is 1 mb software download and install and open it
And press the laptop buttons one by one
The button that is OK will turn green on the screen
To check the processor you have to search in google
Download and install this small software and open it
After opening, the CPU information will be listed in the first option
The number in front of the Name column in this CPU information will tell you the generation
Understand carefully
For example
Inter core i3,
If three more digits are written after that, the processor is first generation
If there are four digits, there are second or later generations

For example
Intel core i3.,,,, 803
That is, if three digits come after i3, it means first generation
Intel core i3.,,,, 2304
In this example, i3 is followed by four digits, so this is the second generation

Intel core i3.,,,, (3)405
Inter core i3.,,,, (4)505
These two examples also have four digits, but in the first example, the starting digit is 3, so it is the third generation
In the second example, the starting digit is 4, so the fourth generation
Remember that round brackets have been added to explain the first digit

With the help of the same software, you can also get cache and mother board information
And this software will also give you ram information and graphic card information
If the laptop does not have a graphic card, the information will not be visible

How to Check Hard Disk and Battery 🔋
How to Check Hard Disk and Battery When Buying a Used Laptop

You have to search on Google
hard disk sentinel
Download and install this software and open it

The percentage will be displayed
If there is a problem with the hard disk
So health and performance level is not 100 percent
A note is also written below, if the hard disk is fine, it is told if there is a problem i.e. bad sector, then it is written in the note.

Temperature option
In the temperature option of the same software, you can find the temperature of the hard disk

Smart option
All other hard disk tests
You can see in smart option
The smart option should have a test value of 0
The value is not 0 if the hard disk is repaired i.e. bad sectors have been removed by the mechanic

Information option
In this option you can see what type of hard drive you have
Is it SSD or HDD etc

How to Check Battery 🔋

Open Windows PowerShell by right-clicking on the Start menu

You have to write this in it
Next to write
That is, you have to write the path and then click enter to save the battery report
Your battery report is saved in C drive, open it and see the battery information
This report shows how old the battery was when the laptop was made new
How much battery is left to be used?


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