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 European politics, philosophy, science, and communication were fundamentally reconstructed as part of the 18th century (1685-1815), with participants calling it the Age of Enlightenment, or simply the Enlightenment.  Had given  Enlightenment thinkers in Britain, France, and throughout Europe questioned the traditional authority and accepted the idea that humanity could be improved through rational change.  Enlightenment produced numerous books, articles, inventions, scientific discoveries, laws, wars and revolutions.  The American and French revolutions were directly influenced by the Enlightenment and pointed to its influence and the beginning of its decline, respectively.  Enlightenment finally paved the way for 19th century romance

 Early Enlightenment: 1685-1730

 Leading 17th-century Enlightenment pioneers included the Englishmen Francis Bacon and Thomas Hobbes, the French Rene Descartes, and key natural philosophers of the scientific revolution, including Galileo Galilei, Johannes Kepler, and Gottfried William Leibniz.  Its roots are usually found in England in the 1680s, where Isaac Newton published his Principia Mathematics (1686) over a period of three years and John Locke published his Essay on Human Understanding (1689).  Published  Philosophical toolkit for significant Enlightenment advances.

 do you know?  In their article and apos, what is enlightenment?  In & apos (1784), the German philosopher Emmanuel Kant summed up this covenant and applied the slogan of Aposus in the following terms: And dare to know!  Dare to use your own reason!

 Lok argued that human nature is variable and that this knowledge has been acquired through accumulated experience rather than access to some kind of external reality.  Newton's calculations and theoretical theories provided powerful enlightening metaphors for precise measurement change and light.

 There was not a single, unified Enlightenment.  Instead, it is possible to talk about the French Enlightenment, the Scottish Enlightenment, and the English, German, Swiss or American Enlightenment.  Individual Enlightenment thinkers often had very different perspectives.  Lok was different from David Hume, Jean-Jacques Rousseau from Voltaire, Frederick the Great from Thomas Jefferson.  Their differences and differences, however, emerge from the general enlightened topics of rational question and answer of progressivism through dialogue.

 High Enlightenment: 1730-1780

 Focusing on the dialogues and publications of the French 'philosophers' (Voltaire, Rousseau, Montesquieu, Buffon and Denis DeDrout)  Anarchy The most important of these was the idea that everything in the universe could be rationally disabled and catalyzed.  The signature publication of the period was DeDroot's Encyclopedia (1751-77), which brought together well-known authors to compile a passionate compilation of human knowledge.

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 It was an era of enlightened tyranny like Friedrich the Great, which united, rationalized and modernized Persia in the midst of brutal multi-year wars with Austria, and an era of revolutionaries like the Enlightenment.  Thomas Paine and Thomas Jefferson, whose 'Declaration of Independence' (1776) adapted the American Revolution to Lucky's essays.

 It was also a time of religious (and anti-religious) heresy, when Christians tried to change their beliefs on the basis of faith, and the position of the immoral and materialistic was that the universe goes its own way without God's intervention.  Locke, along with the French philosopher Pierre Bailey, supported the idea of ​​the separation of church and state.  Secret societies such as Freemasons, Bavarian Illuminati and Rosicrucians - developed, offering European men (and some women) new ways of companionship, esotericism and mutual help.  Coffee houses, newspapers and literary salons as new places to circulate ideas

 The late Enlightenment and beyond: 1780-1815

 The French Revolution of 1789 was the culmination of an enlightened vision of expelling old officials to rationalize society, but it turned into a bloody terrorism that exposed the limits of its ideology and a decade later.  , Reached its peak.  Of Napoleon.  Nevertheless, this goal of equality attracted the admiration of the early feminist Mary Wolston Craft (mother of the author of 'Franken Stein', Marie Marie Shelley) and the foundation of Haiti's War of Independence and Paraguay's first post-independence government.  Racial racism affected both.

 Enlightenment gave way to the horrors of Romanticism, but 19th-century liberalism and classicalism - not to mention the 20th century - weigh heavily on modern Enlightenment thinkers.


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